Just because.

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It seems like many people, myself included, are in need of some good, solid reminders these days. So, if you need a reminder, here’s a list of them - in no particular order.

Just because you were sad today, it doesn’t mean you will be tomorrow.
Emotions are built to come and go. Let them.

Just because you are accustomed to comparing yourself to others as a means for improvement, it doesn’t mean it’s always helpful.
The risk of growing envious and using it as a means to beat yourself up is often far greater than the chance that you’ll be inspired. Approach with caution.

Just because you have money, it doesn’t mean you automatically feel secure.
Money and security are two different things. How do I know this? You can’t pay a bear to not eat you.

Just because their social media/headshots/marketing looks fancy, it doesn’t mean their business is thriving.
Thriving businesses come in all shapes, sizes, and shells just like thriving people come in all shapes, sizes, and shells.

Just because you feel lost, it doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path.
All paths have dark and foggy spots. Keep walking.

Just because they seem cheerful, it doesn’t mean they are happy. 
We all have characters we play. Check in on the people around you.

Just because you built it, it doesn’t mean they will necessarily come.
People need to know it exists first. Speak up!

Just because it feels like you’re moving backwards, it doesn’t mean you are.
Haven’t you ever sat the other way on a train? Perspective is everything.

Just because you were 100% sure yesterday, and are 50% sure today, it doesn’t mean you are flaky.
You are allowed to change your mind, especially in the face of new information, experience, or perspective.

Just because you hurt someone, it doesn’t make you a bad person.
Judging our worth based on one interaction is a bit like judging the quality of a strawberry by one of it’s seeds. A bit perfectionist, don’t you think?

Just because you feel like an imposter, it doesn’t mean you are.
It’s not scientifically possible for you to be an imposter in your own life.

Just because you establish boundaries, it doesn’t mean others will follow them.
Boundaries need to be restated, reinforced, and have repercussions. Otherwise, they just become that thing you said that one time.

Just because you’re becoming stronger/happier/more authentically you, it doesn’t mean everyone around you will respond positively.
Sometimes, our growth can be perceived as a threat to others - even the people we love. You’re not doing anything wrong. Keep going.

Just because it worked for them, it doesn’t mean it will for you.
And that’s okay. Life is not a one-size-fits-all event. Commit to finding the way through that fits you.

Just because it didn’t pan out the way you expected, it doesn’t mean it was a waste of time.
Waste of time is a construct that, in my experience, creates stress and stifles growth. There is a lesson in all that you experience. Find it.

Just because you are making small moves, it doesn’t mean you aren’t creating big impact.
The strongest foundations for the most enormous buildings are still laid one brick at a time. Don’t let scale distract you - just keep swimming.

Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Wear a mask. Please.

Just because it feels like you are just one person, it doesn’t mean your influence can’t shift the course of history.