Slow That Shit Down and Keep In Action

I recently relayed this self-created mantra to my coach, who then mused that I could put these words on some t-shirts and sell them. So of course, I’m sharing them here for free instead - offered up for anyone who needs them. No t-shirt needed.

It seems like so many people I know, including myself, are totally overwhelmed by life right now. I think most people’s instinct when they feel like it’s all too much is to put on a nice pair of blinders and work on the closest thing they can find - because at least it means doing something, and there is never any shortage of things to do.

But doing for the sake of doing is what causes the dreaded burnout.

Doing with a sense of focus and direction? Much more helpful.

So when I get overwhelmed, I have been asking myself what my focus and direction is. And if I don’t have the answer (and usually in a state of overwhelm, I don’t) - I know it’s for sure time to slow that shit down for long enough to remember what exactly it is that I’m aiming for.

And then? I get back in action ASAP. But not with the closest distraction or the easiest task. I take action in ways that fully support my newly re-discovered direction.

99.9% of the time it solves a ton externally - and internally I inevitably feel much less like punching things. Which is great!

So, if you’re overwhelmed - give it a try! And let me know how it goes!